
pyhgf.updates.prediction.continuous.predict_mean(attributes: Dict, edges: Tuple[AdjacencyLists, ...], time_step: float, node_idx: int) Array[source]#

Compute the expected mean of a continuous state node.

The expected mean at time \(k\) for a state node \(a\) with optional value parent(s) \(b\) is given by:

\[\hat{\mu}_a^{(k)} = \lambda_a \mu_a^{(k-1)} + P_a^{(k)}\]

where \(P_a^{(k)}\) is the drift rate (the total predicted drift of the mean, which sums the tonic and - optionally - phasic drifts). The variable \(lambda_a\) represents the state’s autoconnection strength, with \(\lambda_a \in [0, 1]\). When \(lambda_a = 1\), the node is performing a Gaussian Random Walk using the value :math:` P_a^{(k)}` as total drift rate. When \(\lambda_a < 1\), the state will revert back to the total mean \(M_a\), which is given by:

\[M_a = \frac{\rho_a + f\left(x_b^{(k)}\right)} {1-\lambda_a},\]

If \(\lambda_a = 0\), the node is not influenced by its own mean anymore, but by the value received by the value parent.


By combining one parameter \(\lambda_a \in [0, 1]\) and the influence of value parents, it is possible to implement both Gaussian Random Walks and Autoregressive Processes, without requiring specific coupling types.


The attributes of the probabilistic network that contains the continuous state node.


The edges of the probabilistic network as a tuple of pyhgf.typing.Indexes. The tuple has the same length as the number of nodes. For each node, the index list value/volatility - parents/children.


The time interval between the previous time point and the current time point.


Index of the node that should be updated.


The new expected mean of the state node.



Weber, L. A., Waade, P. T., Legrand, N., Møller, A. H., Stephan, K. E., & Mathys, C. (2023). The generalized Hierarchical Gaussian Filter (Version 1). arXiv.