
pyhgf.updates.prediction_error.inputs.continuous.continuous_input_volatility_prediction_error(attributes: Dict, edges: Tuple[AdjacencyLists, ...], node_idx: int) Dict[source]#

Store noise prediction error from an input node.

Input nodes can have noise parents, and therefore should compute the equivalent of a volatility prediction error (VOPE): a noise prediction error (NOPE). The volatility parent will use the NOPE value the same way that it uses VOPE values. Note that the effective precision \(\gamma_j^{(k)}\) is fixed to 1 so this equivalence applies.

The noise prediction error \(\epsilon_j^{(k)}\) of an input node \(j\) is given by:

\[\epsilon_j^{(k)} = \frac{\hat{\pi}_j^{(k)}}{\pi_{vapa}^{(k)}} + \hat{\pi}_j^{(k)} \left( u^{(k)} - \mu_{vapa}^{(k)} \right)^2 - 1\]

Note that, because we are working with continuous input nodes, \(\epsilon_j^{(k)}\) is not a function of the value prediction error but uses the posterior of the value parent(s).


The attributes of the probabilistic nodes.


The edges of the probabilistic nodes as a tuple of pyhgf.typing.Indexes. The tuple has the same length as the node number. For each node, the index lists the value and volatility parents and children.


Pointer to the input node.


The attributes of the probabilistic nodes.



Weber, L. A., Waade, P. T., Legrand, N., Møller, A. H., Stephan, K. E., & Mathys, C. (2023). The generalized Hierarchical Gaussian Filter (Version 1). arXiv.